unnamed (11)“Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me.”*  When I was 22, I was informed of a previously scheduled engagement with my mortality. I was angry for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I had never asked or wanted to know how much time I had left. What the doctor neglected to say, and I never thought to acknowledge, was that he could have been wrong, maybe this disease wasn’t as immediately terminal as he thought. What we both forgot, was that life is by nature, a fatal condition. Too much information may give you permission to “live,” but it can also bleed the “life” out of your life.9469788-blood-transfusion-bag-on-white-background-Stock-Photo*Emily Dickinson


  1. Doctors are not always the best people to give you information concerning you diagnosis. For them it is an assessment of what they have been taught but not necessarily information that should be shared with a patient. Hope is is great encouragement to fight and that should never be taken away from anybody. My wife was given a poor estimation of her chances but by sheer guts outlived that by many years.


  2. Life is by nature, a terminal condition. We all know the quality, the circumstances, the inevitablity, can change in the wink of an eye. This piece is haunting and thought provoking. I, for one, am glad you are still around. F doctors.


  3. I was seriously misdiagnosed by mine. She had conducted a scan of almost all parts of my body, except the head, and I found that I had tumors. Doctors may not be the best judge, indeed.


  4. There’s a commercial that runs here for a cancer treatment center in Tulsa where a patient says, after receiving a terminal diagnosis from her doctor, the doctors at this place (a for-profit, questionable treatment place, I’ll add, not that it matters for this story) told her she had no expiration date stamped on her anywhere. And that’s the bottom line. You have one, it’s just not printed anywhere for anyone to see.


    1. We have that… the pancreatic cancer lady… “Peggy, I don’t see an expiration date stamped on the bottom of your foot!” I watched one of the patients in the transfusion room do a whole riff on that commercial!


  5. *One of my very favorite poems.
    I can’t imagine receiving news like that ever, never mind at 22, when life for many of us is just beginning to unfold. It doesn’t occur to most of us to doubt what the “experts” tell us. They’re doctors! Except, they’re human and as you are testament to, they’re often incorrect.


  6. Great Six Sentence Story! I too like Emily Dickinson’s poetry. Glad you have outlived the prognosis timeline. Blogging must good for your health. 🙂


  7. A family close to ours was left shattered because of the wrong diagnosis (a liver disease) and the patient lost more weight due to mental agony than from what he suffered; jaundice.


  8. “Life is by nature a fatal condition.” Exactly! We are all dying in one way or another at some time or another. It isn’t so much about when or how you get there but how much you valued the journey and loved those walking you home.


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