
800px-night_sky_stars_trees_03I’ve  been on a spiritual journey. Having searched for years,  yesterday I decided to face some difficult truths. It was a really miserable day and by the time I got home I was in need of relief. Throughout my quest for answers, I’ve kept a rather modest practice of meditation and gratitude which often helps to manage times like this. Sitting in the cold night air under the stars, I came to a revelation. It turns out I’ve been searching in the wrong places.

19 thoughts on “Star

  1. Wonderful revelation! I think many of us have done some searching in the wrong places in our lives until we found our way Home, in whatever way we perceive it. You know when you’ve got it right because of the sense of peace that comes with it. Having wandered in the dessert for many years, I now how good it feels to finally find you way Home. Bless you!


      1. Good–as always, you are in my fervent prayers (and the occasional fret ‘n pray obsession ) ❤ PS, it's hard to adjust to not calling Ivy…but I've changed names so many times that I can hardly complain 🙂


  2. * what? I’m ‘Mr. write-appropriate-affect-in-every-word-of-commentation’!

    (was going for a Pulp Fiction reference, but it crumbled in my hands, like most secrets-of-the-universe are meant, by design, to…)


  3. Eyeopening experiences are the best. We grow from them if we learn from them. I appreciate you so much, Ivy. You’ve done more for my writing with this SSS nonsense than any other thing! Thanks.


  4. I have come to know the same lesson. Sometimes we forget to look up and when we do an entire world has built itself before our eyes. I prefer to think we haven’t looked in the wrong places because how else would we recognize the right place when it appears. And, at least we were seeking in the first place…


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