TToT & Thank You, Val!

I am currently lying on my Mom’s  couch watching Ina Garten make tomatoes and gruyere into culinary heaven.

On this Father’s Day, I’m thankful for my elderly Mom. She is getting on in years, but she’s still concerned enough to make blankets for the homeless who find themselves in need come winter. She’s telling me a story of how she prayed to the Virgin Mary when she delivered each of her children. She says it went something like this: ” Hail MARY, full of GRACE!!!”

I’m also grateful for my girl Joulie. She’s learned a lot this year. I’m taking an inventory and realize she was living in quite a neglected state. This year she’s  been house trained, learned to sit, stay, and is learning to use a ramp. She’s  still working on not barking at every noise. Yesterday she hung out in my housemate Nick’s apartment and behaved! She’s  also up to normal weight.


I’m  always grateful for where I live20170616_104958

I’ve since left this post and am now returning to it. Ran a few errands and am still at Mom’s house.  I’m happy that I was able to straighten out my house some last night. Also that accupuncture helped with back pain. I’m  always so grateful  for relief and the ability to walk. It’s  an amazing thing when you think about it….walking and our ability to be independently  moving and self sustaining….in most cases anyway…can you tell I came in on a documentary  of spiritualism and Buddhism?


Art is awesome and Im grateful for gifts of art. The mask is a gift from Puerto Rico and my niece drew the rose with colored pencil on vellum.

And the art of nature…


Yep…that’s Spock.

Lastly,  Thanks Val for this week’s cue word for Six Sentence Stories…



See you Thursday!


12 thoughts on “TToT & Thank You, Val!

      1. Really it’s the size of a football? It looks like about an inch. Well I stilll love it. I might steal the idea and make a pin sized one. You don’t know who he is?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think he has an actual name I think he’s just somebody’s little creation of the Mind… but I think he would be fabulous as a pin!


  1. Thank heaven for great parents, and i hope your back heals up to where you don’t have to have treatment all of the time just to walk.


  2. A fun and thoughtful, TToT list, Zoe! I know your Mom is as thankful for your time shared as you are. It is wonderful of her to make blankets for the homeless. We are never to old to do something, even if it is just to pray for others!

    Joulie has come so far since that fateful day when she first came home with you! She is trying so hard to please and has developed a cult following all of her own. ❤ I know she'll get that ramp mastered, and the barking thing too. Then I'll send Toby and you can work on his tendency to devour his food in the manner of a hound dog! 🙂

    Your surroundings at your house never cease to amaze me and fill me with awe! It's like a living postcard there, and some day I hope to come and see it with my own eyes. I love the gardens and growing things too.. and Spock paying a visit!

    I join you in being so thankful that acupuncture has proved to be some help in alleviating your pain and making it possible for you to walk and work. Yes, it is a blessing to be able to be independent, a huge one!

    Your new art mask is so colorful and lovely, it makes me smile, and will likely have the same response for all who see it. The rose colored-pencil rendering is wonderfully done… really great gifts to cherish!

    Val inspired a great word for this week's SSS, and I suspect she probably said something like "Well, what's the cue?!" 🙂

    Blessings and prayers for a good week ahead, I can't believe this year will soon be half over! XOXO


  3. The examples of art in various forms are beautiful.
    I’m glad the acupuncture gave you some relief from your back pain. I’m just curious. Are the acupuncture needles inserted in various places on your back? Years ago I had some back pain in a specific place, so quite a few of the acupuncture needles were placed around that area, as well as others places on my body. In recent years, when going to a different acupuncturist, she tended to use a method that was more for maintaining and optimizing health.
    What is Joulie chewing on in the middle picture at top?
    It was nice that you could spend time with your Mom and that she could share memories with you.
    I hope you will continue to heal and that you will have a good week.


  4. I’m so glad the acupuncture helps you find relief. You’re right, it’s amazing how much we lose when we don’t have the ability to get around easily on our own.
    Your property is so beautiful. I always think so. The mask is super cool. I have a small mask from somewhere in Africa that a former student brought me. He’s very cool and hangs in the dining room.
    Joulie is amazing and I’m so glad you found one another.


  5. So happy the acupuncture is still working for you!
    Lucky Joule! And lucky you! I think you two were destined to meet.


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