A to Z :Learn Something New Every Day and the TToT

Yesterday was a little heavy. Sorry I just didn’t have time to put together a new post.

… so today let’s just talk…



If you wait to cut these until they cool, they will cut into perfect little squares... but who can wait?
If you wait to cut these until they cool, they will cut into perfect little squares… but who can wait?


          Strawberry Jam Oatmeal Bars

1 cup flour

1 cup oats

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 cup butter

3/4 cup of your favorite jam


  •  Preheat the oven to 350
  • combine the dry ingredients
  • cut in the butter – it will be a crumbly mix
  • .012 press 3/4 of the mix into the bottom of a greased 8×8 pan
  • spread the jam to within a quarter-inch of the edge
  • sprinkle the rest of the crumbly mix on top of jam and gently press it down
  • Bake 35-40 min or until the top is brown
  • cool and slice
  • car1 (1)source
  • Bring to your mechanic as a bribe* (Oh wait, did I say that out loud?)

            *update: it totally worked!



  1. *The bribe totally worked!
  2. Helped to motivate a good friend who is feeling a bit of the writer’s block…now if I could do that for myself…
  3. Doug is very well-behaved despite his obvious interest and jealousy of baby chickens
  4. The layer of ice laid down by freezing rain earlier this week is gone even if it is still too cold
  5. At least I don’t live where Dyanne lives…which I’m sure is very lovely when the wind dies down.
  6. .010When I’m sick and stranded by fatigue there is always Modern Family and Sponge Bob unnamed (35)
  7. (and despite the feelings of a few purists) Kindle books
  8. What’s App with Lizzi and “the voice” ( no not the show…never seen it.)
  9. Douglas… Douglas… Douglas…PicsArt_1427756999831 unnamed (11) unnamed (22)
  10. unnamed (9)That one of the new girls that got attacked by the older girls is recovering from having a ginormous hole pecked into her head… chickens are ferocious brutes!
  11. *******addendum!***** I totally forgot to mention last week that I got a hand-knit neck warmer from Stephanie in my favorite colors… apple green and skippy color! I sadly got to wear it yesterday in the freezing rain of spring in Massachusetts. THANKS STEPHANIE!
I'm thinking we should get a gross of these!
I’m thinking we should get a gross of these.20130201-165225source
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43 thoughts on “A to Z :Learn Something New Every Day and the TToT

  1. My favorite would have to be raspberry, but I imagine strawberry jam is delicious, too! (And it worked on the mechanic–hurray!)


  2. So excited they worked on the mechanic! I am thankful for no tornadoes too and for a real spring and the warmth of TX this week.


  3. Yay! I got a thankful of my own! Doesn’t even matter it’s for a bad example!
    Daisy Dillon better not be pecking holes in heads!


      1. these were the easiest cookies Ihave made in a long time! so fast and easy… although I must say I baked them a bit longer about 50 min. but I think my stove is off so there’s that….


  4. Will you hate me if I say that I think Jam and Jelly is gross? Maybe my sensory son’s issues are not autism but his mama’s tactile bullshit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, Your probably right… hahahahhaha! I hated jam and jelly for the longest time and just since I started making some have I come around… I think because its not so thick and icky….. these work really well with chocolate chips too…I just mix them in and press eveything down into the pan at once.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I hate jam and jelly, too. Except in ONE cookie that is kind of a thumbprint cookie with raspberry jelly. I only make it at Christmas and my son eats most of them.


      1. Why am I not surprised, Miss Picky? 😉 I have to admit, though, that thumbprint cookies with raspberry jam sound delicious!


    1. sometimes I wonder why I even have them! I am looking forward to getting around the a to z more this weekend… its been kind of tough this year… are other people in the same boat I suspect!?


  5. Jam. Duh. Why didn’t I think of that instead of Jicama? Your recipe looks simple and delicious. I’m thinking O for oatmeal cookies. I am consumed (pun) by this challenge and all the dirty dishes. Looking forward to the days when the nice warm scarf around your neck can hang on a hook or set in the back of a drawer for the season.


    1. I was wondering if you and Dyanne were regretting your themes yet… I have to say you are both doing an amazing job of it though… I cant believe how much work you both must be doing!


      1. Thank you and I really do like the challenge. I can’t wait to make your oatmeal and jam bars. They will have to wait until the challenge is over. I bought some raspberry jam to have on hand. They look delicious


  6. LOVE Modern Family, LOVE the color apple green, LOVE that your mechanic accepts bribes and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE Doug!


  7. Fun list! Not to brag, but the man who plays Cam on Modern Family and I share the same Alma Mater…separated by a couple decades, but the same college none the less.


  8. Now that is a GORGEOUSLY simple recipe. Lots of sugar though. Hmmm. Still, I guess good for mechanics and YAY that it worked. And I LOVED SO MUCH our long chat on WhatsApp – it cheered me up NO END! *hugs*

    Glad so many things have gone well this week.

    P.S; Have you thought about crash helmets for the chickens?


  9. Those must have been some seriously awesome cookies for a mechanic to be bribed with them. Did you happen to stick an extra ingredient in for him???
    Poor chick. Chickens are mean little things sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could put my dogs’ shock collars on a couple to make them a wee bit nicer.

    Modern Family and SpongeBob? Quite the eclectic taste in shows you have! I can’t say I disagree with your choices, though. 🙂


  10. You’re welcome! I’m glad the neck warmer is doing its job 🙂 Poor little chicken being pecked, not nice!!

    Given where Dyanne lives (and I once lived not too far away from her), we all can be incredibly thankful for our weather!!

    Have a wonderful new week, Ivy & Doug, and stay warm!!


    1. HOLY COW! I have taken to wearing it indoors! I love it! It has stretched out nicely and goes over my head perfectly… I was beginning to think I had a humongous head!


  11. I’m with Kristi on the raspberry but I’d make it preserves instead of jam. And not wait until cooled. I’d slice in while warm, scoop into a bowl, slap some vanilla ice cream all the hell over the top and….take my time 😀 Thanks for the recipe!
    Chickens sound like crazy scary creatures. I love soft and cuddly creatures. Ya know, nothing with a pointy, sharp beak with which to put holes in heads and such lol
    Hope you’ve seen the last of the winter weather. We had our very first spring weekend here in VA. It’s great!

    Liked by 1 person

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