Six Sentence Stories- Candy

unnamed (11)Last week my buddy Candy, who is not a blogger, entered her first Six Sentence Story on day two and you guys missed a really good ditty for the cue “match.” Here it is if you’re inclined. The following is her entry for this week:


This is a Six Sentence Story. The cue is “park.”

She was up, she was down, each time stepping on my foot as she stumbled past me. The choir master watched in dismay as she rushed off to straighten a candle or to rotate the flowers on the alter, yet again. “We’re going to start warming up,” he said looking in her direction. She stumbled by me and took her seat, smiling sweetly.
We had just finished warm ups when she started to rise from her seat. “Will you just park it!” I snapped; I take choir rehearsal far too seriously.

11 thoughts on “Six Sentence Stories- Candy

  1. Candy, Thanks so much for participating! I love that you do this! Maybe you should be blogging? Either way I am happy to host you … I love this one! I actually was thinking something similar with this cue cuz I’m such a figgit!


  2. Candy, great story. You are really good at painting a picture with words and telling a story in six sentences.


  3. That person who has to get up out of her seat a dozen times is always the one sitting by me in a movie or at a play or a concert. ARRRGGHHH!!!


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