TToT : Doug Takes The Helm



I’m Douglas, sometimes Mr. Fairbanks but, we’re all friends here. Ivy is off to work and has had a busy couple of weeks . Frankly, I told her to take some time and I would write this for her but , I don’t think she trusted me to get it done. Truth? I was supposed to do it last night. But, hey, as we say around here… it’s all good. I honestly don’t know what she’s worried about. I’ve done the TToT before and I’ve dealt with a virgin or two in my time. But again, all good ( I just know there’s a virgin joke in there somewhere but I’m just not as sharp as I used to be.) Anyhow, on with the TToT!

  1. She makes my dog food! Last place I was at I was lucky if they fed me. Really, she makes it!
  2. There is always enough to eat … did I mention HOMEMADE?
  3. The birds are old and gone. Yeah Zeb 1003011157_0001 is gone too  but, those birds… well, nuff said.
  4. Ok, there are birds, but they live outside!20131023_181635-1-1
  5. Dogs just know how to live. No offense to any cat-addled humans (Dyanne and Josie are some of my favorites but…), I have one word for you D-O-G.
  6. I get to sleep. A LOT OF SLEEPunnamed (28)
  7. My girlfriend lives next door.023
  8. Ivy is starting to feel better. She complains a lot about… well, she complains a lot, but she feels better I think.
  9. I’m 112 in human years. I don’t know any people saying that… see #5… D-O-G.
  10. Did I mention she makes my food?

Have a great weekend… Ivy will be back tomorrow.

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25 thoughts on “TToT : Doug Takes The Helm

  1. Love, love, love to you and Ivy. Take care of her, Doug, I know you make her happy. Your brother from another mother, Cobee, says HI.


      1. Well, I know that you are Not just ANY canine–your brilliance and creativity stun me! I’m humbled, and trying to learn from you (seriously, not joking now)!


    1. I suspect I would be getting something more traditional if the vet bills werent so high every time I eat the stuff…. Say Hi to Drexel for me and Willow when you see her! xo DOUG


  2. Very well done, Douglas. The Rottens like you quite a bit, even if you are a dog. I suspect you all would get along quite well because you share an important favorite habit – sleep! Right now all three are snoring away the morning…
    Please give Ivy a huge hug for me and tell her I hope she feels as well as can be managed. She knows I kind of understand that.
    Just please odn’t tell the Rottens your food is homemade…they are spoiled enough.

    Liked by 1 person

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