As if that weren’t enough!

It’s also Thursday!


**If you recall this week was in honor of my boy Doug’s 16th birthday!**

and the cue is AGED

9320b588-a809-48e9-9923-618f1b05080cHere’s *Doug to remind you how to play: 

  • Six sentences no more , no less…
  • using the cue in some fashion … any genre ya like…
  • link it up….
  • read a few more…
  • go eat turkey and stuffing….
*I seem to be getting a little fast and loose with Doug’s alias lately…


They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I think it depends on the dog.

I won’t be requesting a revival of Oliver from Verona.*

I won’t ask him to lead me to Timmy in the well.

I may ask him if he wants dinner, because you have to leave him room to succeed.

You have to work within his range.

If he’s old enough, then it’s all new tricks to him.


  1. Our dogs have always been characters, and most turkeys in their own right but they go along with all the fun made of them all in good part. Just recently my daughter’s dog Milton was dressed up for Halloween in a witches hat and black cape. He was very excited going for trick or treats with the grandkids.


  2. Here are my six: Why it is that wine is better when aged, but I’m not?
    Why is it that men look for an aged scotch and a young woman?
    Why it is that age before beauty seems insulting when it shows respect?
    Why is it that broken in shoes feel good, but broken down shoes hurt; they’re both aged?
    Why is it that the age spots on my hand sadden me, but I miss the ones on my mother’s?
    Why is it that we fight aging when it is the way of nature?


  3. Not only is this beautifully sentimental, but there is a greater truth that can be applied to all of us… when we ask things of others, leave them room to succeed! Doug is blanketed in the warmth of love, encouragement and acceptance daily. He is loved just because, not because of and not in spite of. His story, or more accurately your story involving him, is a testimony to giving everything to make another’s life better. Doug is so very blessed to have you, and I know that goes the same for how he is a blessing in your life. You just can’t beat win-win. All elders should feel secure in the knowledge that they will be loved and cared for until their very last breath… and even then the love continues on. ❤

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