Of Selfies and Needless Things: The TToT

A quickie from the desk of Ivy Walker:

1e90091a-6c64-49da-a897-1ce68371132a the seasonal changes at home…snow soon!

5d09dbb9-3c6d-464f-bdef-589a79dbf8da new blooms

8cb0189c-86d0-4a44-8689-2707631afcc2 the mother of invention. Doug is licking and causing skin problems but he freaks in the cone of shame so we came up with a solution… He has inches of freedom in it he just likes to act the drama king…. sigh.

48abcbbe-f3d2-42c7-b913-b8f109c942bdwinterberry holly in bloom in the yard

683dd107-fc77-4a3d-b872-a77f4ce49374 big metal roosters taller than me

the girls have a few more days of freedom before snow fall697fe001-cf2c-4964-9559-22dff8853dc9


Middle of the night selfies when Doug gets confusedcf63e39f-e162-4cdf-a8b7-bcaf578c359b dd4f243b-0d4b-41d0-a612-8606ca530786  Have I mentioned Doug?f321bd32-24e2-4cef-90f7-c4d97dc8a22b lunch with great friends whom I miss!

and texting, WWF , SSS , and book advice from all you guys …. thanks! Have a good Saturday will try to be less concise tomorrow!

OH YEAH! Have I mentioned Doug?dd672e40-bae3-4e4b-86ea-8231c2fffeee


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30 thoughts on “Of Selfies and Needless Things: The TToT

  1. yeah, actual ‘words’ might not hurt, this being a Comment-based interaction and all.
    good going on getting that stone rolling again (‘the Book’) and thanks for the resource link and all


  2. Ivy. This is the first post I went to this morning 😀
    🙂 🙂 🙂
    Yeah. That’s what you did for me. I woke (several times) to a gorgeous sunny, blue skyed day and huge smiles from your post. Happy Day to you and Douglet.


  3. Love the photo progression of the landscape. Snow soon, yes. But maybe not. I’ve heard it is going to be a mild winter. Love to Doug and you.


  4. I think it’s so sweet you mention your accountant each time. I wish you’d tell us his name one of these days.


    Glad you got to see friends, and that you’ll probably enjoy the snow (and that you’ll certainly enjoy it more than I would).


  5. There is a house not too far from here that has a gigantic metal rooster. I want one. They’re awesome.
    You do live in the prettiest of places. At least, for a place that doesn’t have a beach attached.
    And is that bloom sitting on your still-cleaned off table??
    Doug, enough with the licking, dude.


  6. Louie has only needed the cone of shame once (for the obvious reason boy dogs need such a thing) and I remember how miserable he was. Lucky Doug that you’ve come up with an alternative.


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