TToT: The Superhero Version

What Happened?

When we last left our heroine wonder-woman-migraine-650x380source  she was struggling to maintain her sanity in light of illness, loss, and an insanely unresponsive health insurance system.  She had decided to take some time off in order to enjoy the zen like relaxation that only the soothing rhythmic waves of the ocean could provide. But alas her efforts were thwarted by old man winter. winter-warlock source Undaunted by the attempts of the Fates to disregulate her further, she endured the loss of her front axle and a water pump in her car – a vehicle as old as her best friend Doug, and as fatigued as her own spirit. Finding a reliable mechanic she arranged for the repair of her transport.

Knowing that much of her strength is derived from the support of those around her she put out the word .  They responded in kind…are-you-a-dc-comics-or-marvel-superhero-take-the-test providing her with information about a viable beach within forty miles of her current location. This pristine bit of coastline was untouched by our villain’s icy clutch. 

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After a thoroughly enjoyable five hours with no one but her avian friends to share this preternatural find,

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She once again took to the road, car intact, roads clear of all but potholes as Winter had not yet relented in his attempts to thwart her. Driving through the local metropolis of Boston, she tuned into an NPR radio call in show. As luck would have it, the Governor of that fine state was their worthy guest. Renewed by her time at the water’s edge, and ever steadfast in her primary goal to secure health insurance, she pulled off to the side of the road. With trembling hands she dialed the given number, securing FRIST place in the que to speak to her adversary (who until this time had not responded to her calls or letters pleading for his assistance.) She knew in order to gain his loyalty to her cause she would have to hit him where it hurts… his pride. She related her story of woe including her inability to secure health insurance since December despite paying every tariff required of her, and then she struck. “… I have contacted both of my state senators, two advocacy agencies and your office Governor, all of which I’m sad to say have not even responded to my inquiries. I’m not only at my wit’s end, but I’m disappointed that the agencies in place to help me feel they can’t, and my elected officials won’t. ” It was then that she was put on hold while the Governor defended himself and asked her to leave her information with the producer.*

Hoping to avoid a massive letter writing campaign in the future, and satisfied that this day she had done all within her power toward the prime directive, she continued on her journey homeward to reunite with her trusty sidekick.

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What Else Happened?

I don’t have difficulty meeting people. I met and had lunch with a bit of a stoner that I met in a tattoo, vintage, head shop. The next morning I had breakfast with an environmental lawyer I met while he was investigating shoreline erosion. I later went for a walk with a woman who I helped after she got locked in a public restroom at the library… don’t ask.

I had a good time, but Im quite shockworn and need about a month to myself.  I really need to find a way to rejuvenate spiritually. I’m working on it. Suggestions welcome.

* The Governor’s Office called yesterday morning. I will fill you in next week … they are supposed to get back to me.

What Else is Going On?

The girls are getting bigger: unnamed (32)

Doug had a great time with Judi and Mike: 0615021108

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  • Begin a piece of prose with one of the following sentences:
  1. “I can’t remember the first time I heard of him.”
  2. “But you don’t need to worry about that now; just try and see for yourself.”
  3. “I still can’t look at a toilet without feeling the urge to stick my hand down it.”
  4. “When we look deeply into such things, the blueprint for our actions can be found within the mind.”
  5. “You were thinking something disgusting, don’t lie.”
  • Your entry must be 7 sentences long NOT including the starter sentence.
  • Your entry must be 100 words or less, NOT including the starter sentence.
  • Put your entry into the comments section below.
  • Deadline to enter is April 1, 2015
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40 thoughts on “TToT: The Superhero Version

  1. First things first. I’m glad you found a wonderful place for some Zen time. I trust it was truly a re-building experience.

    Second, a cracked-up car and cackling Governor. Not exactly on anyone’s top 40 list. But, well, life is life. I hope you get even some semi-honest answers.

    I trust you and Douglas are safe at home and doing well.

    Blessings and Bear hugs from the far north. Eh?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Actually, ah, er, um, no. The sun is shining. The temperature is warming. The snow is going. But there is still not much to eat, so back to hibernating for a while.
        Now that you’re “back” from wherever you went, I hope life goes a bit better.
        See you when I’m finally up and about!
        Blessings and Bear hugs. Best regards to Douglas.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Me like cookie! Num, num, num, num, num. …
        Seedy would be OK, too. Even from the seedy side of town (if that’s not too far for you).


  2. Oh, I’m sorry that things didn’t go as planned. “The loss of her front axle and a water pump in her car” sounds like an entire post in and of itself. BUT–you talked to the governor on the air!!! I really, really hope that some good comes out of that.

    As for rejuvenating spiritually, amazingly enough, it is simple habits that make the biggest difference in my life: daily scripture study and prayer. That’s my suggestion.


    1. Have any specific scripture you find most enlightening… you know “instant scripture in a can”… gives that instant gratification! I do read some but if you do know of anything particularly inspiring all kidding aside I would love to know. Thanks Kristi!


  3. You have indeed had quite the week, my friend. Kind of fits the “you can’t make up stuff this good” category. I will think on the spiritual renewal thing for you. Trying to figure out a little of that myself.
    Not FRIST. :/


  4. Well according to my iReminder Deluxe Gold-plated Memo book thing, I had best…*

    Ain’t no such thing as a bad time at the shore. Sorry, that’s just how I happen to feel about it.

    * translation: holy shit! I better get something into that there Contest there! the mild-mannered alter ego Z (yeah… right) will totally be calling me out… damn!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You calling me snarky? :/
      And no I didnt have a bad time… I had an okay time that turned to a great time once I found a viable beach…. sorry didnt mean to mislead you….
      Contest is totally not mandatory….. the last one was for you cuz you said you would do it…. I dont recall any such committment on your Clarkish part this time, but I would love it if you did!


  5. I love the guv chat. Wow, fortuitous or what? And your car? Oh, man an avalanche. The beach photos are lovely, though, and the folks you met in your travels are interesting. Wish I could send sunshine, warmth, and millions of dollars your way. Can’t wait to hear if Charlie Baker comes through.


    1. lucky stars that day!
      cars, millions, jujubees (which I hear are scarce in some parts so DOTS will do), all accepted….
      I can’t wait either…. I would really like to not have to put the effort behind this letter thing but I am all ready to go if this doesn’t pan out….Im just a bit worn and would rather avoid it…. 🙂


  6. I’m so glad you made it to the beach, even if it wasn’t the way you planned. I can’t wait to get there myself this year. You being first up to question your governor? That CAN’T be mere coincidence. Keep us posted!


  7. Ohhhh I’m glad the beach was good but I’m sad that your time away was less rejuvenating than you hoped. I’ve got nothing at all for spiritual refreshment other than….er…if beach isn’t working then maybe forest? I dunno. Am feeling as though I’ve gotten to the thin end of the wedge here, too.

    YAY to you going on the radio. You’re a superhero FOR REAL!


  8. Ok, ok, I FINALLY got my entry to the contest posted! It’s been floating in my grey matter for weeks now, but I procrastinate so well! 🙂 I was delighted that you did at last find the perfect peaceful place at the shore for a few hours of meditation and relaxation. Praying that the weeks ahead will bring answers to the insurance nightmare, and some peace of mind for you as well. Wrapping you in love and prayers always. XOXO


    1. Thanks Josie! THanks so much for your friendship I so appreciate it! I read your entry…. good stuff … I know you felt stifled by the length but you should continue the story elsewhere …its good!


  9. We visited the beach last week and it was…
    All of it.
    But we made it there with an entire car so I have nothing to complain about at all!!!
    I am in awe that you can meet people like that and go to lunch with them. I am such an introvert and shy and OMG shy! The stories you must have.
    I want to hear about what the governor has to say about this malarkey. Go you. Don’t back down!!!


    1. Josie sent me a site with pics of slushy waves… it was awesome! THe ice was so high at the cape this year it melted and left very high ledges above all the beaches… they were moving in heavy equipment to level it for the tourist season…kinda blows the Zen of the beach.


      1. I hit enter… I have to say meeting people is not my issue but rather I wonder what it is that makes people feel they can approach me as they do… sometimes its a drag. I do meet interesting people though.


  10. ASLhrkAJhrjkagrfabhkjfhad;olfghsdlkm fkajscliNckjlzxbnv.,adngladhflkandfklabscnb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That’s all I could write for a mintue!!!!! You talked to the Governor!!!!!!!!!!!! You amde progress!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not correcting my typos I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is ahuge step! I hope it yields results! Yay, you! Yay for those to stand up and assert their rights!!!! Yay, you!!!!!!


  11. Oh, also totally jelly of the people you met. Always love that kind of thing but no good at it. Don’t like to talk to people.


    1. So funny the impressions we have of each other…. I would have never thought that of you…. maybe shy but not liking to talk to people? You seem so interested and amiable! WHich Im sure you are!


  12. I am so glad you persevered and got yourself to a beach. Many people would have given up in a fit of frustration.
    Yay you, getting on air with the gov! Very timely. I pray something comes from it.

    Liked by 1 person

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